Monday, November 26, 2012
Health Studies on Tea
Hello! I am sorry I have not kept up with my blogging. I have been working on my dissertation proposal and the time has gotten away from me. A part of my research is about health studies on tea and I have compiled a big stack of documents. I thought I would share some of the health benefits of tea with you.
**A study in 2011 by by Matheson, Mainous, Everett, and King suggested that both tea and coffee may have antimicrobial properties that can reduce the likelihood of nasal carriage methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
**A 2009 study by Lu, Yang, Jin, Herber, and Loo revealed that drinking green tea may alter the levels of protein required for the growth of lung cancer cells. The study supports the theory that green tea may be effective in inhibi
ting the growth of lung cancer cells.
**A 2011 study by Bogdanski, Suliburska, Szulinska, Stepien, Pupek-Musialik & Jablecks indicated that drinking green team may reduce insulin, glucose levels, and C-reactive protein levels.
I have many more...but the bottom line is that drinking tea supports health and well-being. Cheers!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
World Tea Expo East

Today I attended the World Tea Expo East- conveniently held in Philadelphia, only 10 minutes from my house! I tasted my way through the entire expo and was most intrigued by the Matcha. While my store has never sold Matcha I have been putting it in the smoothies I make at home for the last 2 years because of the high antioxidant content. I picked up a nutritional guide about Matcha at the expo and was surprised to find that 2g of Matcha (with 3oz hot water) has 172% more protein and 94% more potassium than a 3g Sencha teabag (with 3oz hot water)- source: Standard Tables of Food Composition. Also, in 2006 the Toyama University Medicine Research Institute announced that Matcha contains components that help lower blood sugar levels because the key ingredients in the tea leaves are not steeped out of the tea as the entire tea leaf is consumed- source: Hokkoku News, 3/2006.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Memory Enhancer - New Study Results
The Journal of Medicinal Foods published the results of a Korean study which showed memory improvement in those study participants given green tea extract. 91 people suffering from cognitive impairment were either given a placebo or extract. Those that were given extract had increased mental alertness, a significant increase in written-word recall, and showed memory improvement. Just another reason to drink green tea!
Monday, June 27, 2011
More Trouble With Tea From Japan
The tea industry continues to be impacted by the disaster in Japan. The World Tea News reported that French officials seized a tea shipment from Shizuoka city (in Japan) as a result of radiation levels that tested at twice the legal limit. Tests are now being conducted at tea processing plants in Shizuoka city, and of June 21st five tea processing facilities were shut down due to illegal levels of cesium found in tea. Consumers will eventually be impacted since Shizuoka produces over 39% of Japan's annual tea product. It is estimated that the radiation release in Japan was between 20%-40% of the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Update on Contaminated Tea from Japan

Most people involved in the tea industry have been closely monitoring reports about the tea crops in Japan. World Tea News reported that radiation leaks far exceeded initial reports and contamination in four regions is creating local tea shortages. A Tokoyo tea mail order house found tea leaves from the Warashina district of Shizuoka City exceed cesium limits despite safety assurances.
By World Tea News:
Radiation released in March from stricken reactors in Fukushima far exceeded initial reports. Last week Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare greatly expanded restrictions on tea shipments adding portions of three northern prefectures to the leaf ban following additional tests. The decision already has created local shortages but impact on exports is small.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
U.S. Food & Drug Administration is Rejecting Japanese Food Imports Including Tea

Tea imports (along will all other food products) from the four prefectures nearest the Fukushima reactors have been banned by the U.S. and several nations in the European Union. Experts continue to remind consumers that there will not be a significant impact to the Japanese tea industry as the major growing areas are a minimum of 500 kilometers south of the disaster zone in Northern Japan. Read more:
Monday, March 21, 2011
Disaster in Japan & Tea
Hi! I have been recieving emails asking how the recent disaster in Japan is impacting the tea crops. According to the World Tea News the tea crops have not been directly damaged but lack of power and transportation will surely cause a distribution issue for retailers around the world.
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