Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fresh Mint- Interesting Benefits!

My friend Annie has a "thing" for sprouts. She grows her own and uses different types (and there is a whole list of different varieties) to accent her meals- and I am pretty sure she eats them with more than one meal each day. This summer I am having a similar love affair with mint. I am growing licorice mint, orange mint, peppermint, cinnamon mint and chocolate mint- on my front porch in individual pots. All were found at the local garden center in my neighborhood. I cannot believe how delicious the fresh mint makes my frozen tea smoothies. I started reading about mint and was surprised by the number of health benefits of "Mentha". Here are just a few: helps with digestion, nausea, provides relief for bronchial problems like asthma and colds, germicidal, breath freshener and rheumatism. Crush it and make a poultice for acne, skin irritations and bug bites. Of course, it is also delicious in hot and iced tea! For a great summer smoothie recipe with mint check out my Twitter posting from today.

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